
MALUKU - Bharaka JT, a member of the Maluku Police Ditpolairud, who is suspected of pointing a firearm at residents, is currently undergoing investigation by the Maluku Police Propam Division.

"Currently, the person concerned is being investigated by Propam. If any wrongdoings are found, they will be punished according to the actions that have been done to the community," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes M. Roem Ohoirat in Maluku, Antara, Monday, June 13.

The Maluku Regional Police responded quickly to the case after a video containing a police officer pointing a gun at a resident went viral on social media. Although the case has been resolved amicably between the two parties, Roem emphasized that the police officer is still being held accountable.

"The behavior of every member of the National Police is regulated by disciplinary rules and the Police code of ethics," he said.

According to Roem, the actions carried out by members of the Polairud Directorate of the Maluku Police have violated the discipline and ethics of the Police. "We hope this will not happen again," he warned.

Roem asked every member of the National Police to carry out their duties and responsibilities as protectors, servants and protectors of the community.

"Every member who makes mistakes such as violating the discipline and code of ethics of the Police will definitely be processed according to their actions. On the other hand, those who work well will certainly receive an award from the leadership," he said.

The stabbing by JT occurred in Waai Village, Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency, Friday, June 10. The action by the police was captured by local residents and went viral on social media.

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