
JAKARTA - Leaders of leading Islamist groups and mosques in India appealed to their fellow Muslims on Monday to postpone planned protests against insulting remarks about the Prophet Muhammad made by two members of the ruling Hindu nationalist party.

Messages to avoid large gatherings were circulated after demonstrations turned violent last week, which led to the death of two Muslim teenagers and the wounding of more than 30 people, including police.

"It is the duty of every Muslim to stand together when anyone disparages Islam, but at the same time it is important to maintain peace," said Malik Aslam, a senior member of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, a Muslim organization operating in several Indian states. Reuters 13 June.

Earlier this month, two senior members of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) made remarks that offended Muslims. A party spokesman made offensive comments in a televised debate and a party spokesman on social media.

The party suspended both and said they condemned any insult to any religion. Police have also filed cases against the two, but that has not stopped angry Muslims taking to the streets in protest.

Police arrested at least 400 suspected rioters during riots in several states, with curfews imposed and internet services suspended in some places.

Many Muslims in India have questioned their place in society since Modi came to power in 2014, downplaying his roots in the powerful Hindu nationalist group affiliated with his party.

Meanwhile, critics say his BJP has pursued a confrontational line, promoting the idea India is a Hindu state and rounded off against "anti-national" opponents, which many Muslims see as an attempt to marginalize them, a community that makes up 13% of India's billions. plus population.

Yesterday, authorities in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh demolished the home of a Muslim man linked to the riots, drawing condemnation from the state government, led by the BJP, from constitutional experts and rights groups.

Muslims and rights groups interpreted the demolition of the house as punishment for the rioting, but state authorities said it was because the house was illegally built on public land.

"We are not destroying houses to stop Muslims from protesting, because they have all the right to take to the streets," an aide to the hardline Hindu leader told Reuters.

PM Modi has not yet commented on the anti-Islam remarks that sparked the protests. even as criticism grows abroad, with countries voicing diplomatic protests, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman and Iran, India's key trading partners.

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