
BANJARMASIN - Officers from the Class II B Detention Center in Rantau, Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan, were arrested by the police for smuggling crystal methamphetamine to inmates inside the prison.

"An officer has been named a suspect, with the initials MA (29), a member of the security team", said Head of Rantau Detention, Andi Hasyim, Monday, June 13.

Apart from that officer, he said, other officers are currently being investigated by the police.

"If there is sufficient evidence, another officer may be named a suspect. The police are still investigating other officers. There is a possibility that it will increase", said Andi, a former officer at the Nusakambangan Prison, Central Java.

The arrest of MB (40), an inmate who is strongly suspected of being a dealer in prison, was the first to reveal the officer's involvement.

The evidence found was in the form of a suction device, a glass pipette, and 13 packages of methamphetamine ready to be distributed.

The discovery of the methamphetamine, he said, was during an incidental raid on Wednesday, June 8 afternoon, in detention room No. 9.

"Besides MB, there are also two inmates involved, namely MH and YD", he said, quoted by Antara.

Regarding MB's background, Andi said, he had been in prison for drug cases. After that, it was a murder case and before Ramadan, then it came back again because of a drug case.

"Three times in prison, and known as a provocateur in prison", he said.

"From our BAP, MB's methamphetamine has been smuggled twice", he continued.

MA as a member of the security team is currently in the custody of the Tapin Police, while the other two officers are still being investigated.

Meanwhile, the inmates who have been designated as suspects remain in the Rantau Detention, said Andi.

"During the first smuggling, the Supreme Court admitted that MB was given IDR 300 thousand for five grams of crystal methamphetamine, while the second time, from five grams of crystal methamphetamine, MA was paid one gram of methamphetamine to use", he said.

Andi admitted, that regarding this case, his party missed and left the case entirely to the police to develop.

"Methamphetamine cannot enter without the involvement of officers. This is an embarrassing incident but we must remain firm. From the results of the BAP, the officer admitted that he was tempted by the offer of the inmates", he said.


Still from the results of the examination, said Andi, the 13 packages of methamphetamine that became evidence were probably left over from the 4 grams of crystal methamphetamine that was last entered.

"It's been around for a while, definitely through these two people, MA and S. Only through these two people can goods from outside enter procedurally", he said.

The results of the examination in rooms Numbers 5 and 9, he said, after a urine test was carried out, it was found that all 44 residents were positive for drugs.

"Maybe not all of them are users. It is possible that many of them were forced to drink water or coffee that was dissolved in methamphetamine. The goal is to prevent espionage in the room. However, this case is still in the hands of the police", he said.

As for the other officers suspected of being involved, except for Karupam, said Andi, two officers tested positive during the urine test, namely MA and S.

"The results of our examination have been submitted to the police. However, the investigation will continue to look for other possible involvements", he said.

Andi suspects that the practice of cooperation between officers and inmates occurred not long after MB entered the Rantau Detention last March.

"In my opinion, the circulation occurred 1 or 2 months ago. Or maybe just this month", he said.

Together with the TNI, Polri routinely conducts inspections. Andi said, every month there are eight activities, not to mention incidental raids.

"During the raid, we also routinely took random urine tests, but the results were negative", he said.

Regarding the officer named as a suspect, a temporary suspension will be carried out, but if legally proven guilty, it is confirmed that the uniform will be removed.

The Narcotics Head of Tapin Police, AKP Tatang, confirmed the information given by the Head of the Overseas Detention Center.

"It is true, one officer with the initials MA has been named a suspect. Another officer is in the examination stage. We are also carrying out other examination processes", he said, when confirmed.

In addition, he said, three inmates were also named as suspects.

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