
SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) has not taken firm action against state civil servants (ASN), who are involved in the licensing mafia. In fact, based on an internal examination, an ASN person from the Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives and Trade Service (Dinkopdag) was proven to be a licensing mafia.

"The ASN personnel have been trained internally. This means that they are not given tasks related to licensing or coaching services to business actors. It turns out that this case has also been investigated by the Surabaya District Attorney, hopefully there will be a meeting point and this will be a lesson for all of us," " said the Head of the Surabaya Trade and Cooperatives Office, Fauzie Mustaqiem Yos, Monday, June 13.

Bang Yos, as he is called, explained in detail about the alleged licensing mafia carried out by one of the ASN officers in his service. He also confirmed that he had taken a number of steps to participate in investigating the case.

According to him, the Dinkopdag always routinely provides guidance (supervision) to business actors who sell alcoholic beverages. From the results of the training and after checking the data by the officers, it turned out that there were SIUP-MB from a number of outlets that could not be scanned with barcodes.

In fact, if you take care of it through SSW, a link to SSW will immediately come out if you scan the barcode.

"After checking the SIUP number, it turns out that the number belongs to another outlet, but the SIUP date is different. In fact, there are also those whose SIUP numbers are not in our data. This is where this case started," said Bang Yos.

After receiving this information, the Dinkopdag immediately summoned the business actors for clarification last March. At that time, the Dinkopdag also asked them to write down the chronology of the incident as well as statements and so on. "We asked for all of that in writing," he said.

Once complete evidence is obtained, both from business actors and from service bureaus that assist in obtaining the permits, an examination is then carried out on one of the ASN persons suspected of being the licensing mafia. At that time, an inspection report and the results of the examination were also made. "Everything has been done according to the procedure. The inspection was carried out on April 1, 2022," he said.

Because the legal threat is quite severe, then in accordance with the Legislation (PP) an Examining Team must be formed. Not long after, the Examining Team was also formed by the Surabaya Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM). "The Examining Team has also examined a number of parties, including the ASN," he said.

Based on the results of the examination conducted by the Dinkopdag, it turns out that the action was carried out at the end of 2021, and was only revealed in March 2022. Meanwhile, there have been around 10 victims, and the ASN is suspected of getting tens of millions of rupiah from this action.

"The method he did was to be actively involved in the coaching team for business actors. When he saw that there was a fault that the business actor could not complete his permit, finally a day or two later he came personally, and promised to take care of the permit, of course with a nominal amount of money already paid. agreed," he said.

After getting the victim, then the management of the completeness of the documents is carried out by the contract staff of the Trade Service (Disdag) who was invited by the ASN person to cooperate. In fact, his signature was also forged by one of the other contract workers.

"So, based on the results of the examination, this ASN person carried out his actions together with two contract workers, and two other contract workers who were not actually directly involved," he said.

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