
JAKARTA – Another robbery took place at a mini market located on Jalan Raya Hankam Headquarters, Cipayung, East Jakarta. As a result of the incident, the perpetrators managed to steal millions of rupiah from the cash register.

According to Arkam, one of the minimarket employees and the victim, based on CCTV footage of the incident, the robbery by the two men took place on Tuesday, June 7, then around 12.00 WIB.

Arkam further explained that initially the two perpetrators came to the minimarket to buy mineral water. One perpetrator entered first, then went to the cashier's desk to make payment.

"When he had paid here (the cashier desk), only one other actor outside came in, also buying water. Then he went to the cashier, he paid but didn't leave right away, it was like waiting for that," Arkam told reporters, Monday, June 13.

Then, after the situation in the minimarket was quiet, one of the perpetrators immediately pointed a gun at Arkam who was at the cashier's desk. Meanwhile, another perpetrator cornered another employee and allegedly threw gasoline.

"When I saw that the surroundings were empty, he just took out a weapon right in front of my eyes. Maybe my shop head was doused (gasoline) when he came in here (the cashier desk)," he said.

Seeing this, Arkam admitted that he could not do much. He did not move when he saw the perpetrators stealing Rp. 4,100,000 from the cash register. Because he was afraid because one of the perpetrators pointed a gun.

"There was someone who pointed at me with a gun, then one perpetrator used the attribute of an online motorcycle taxi to the cashier's desk, he was ransacked by him, and took the money," he said.

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