
JAKARTA - Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 510/285-PSDA concerning Efforts to Increase the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) in Depok City, West Java.

This SE follows up on the instructions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 2 of 2022 dated March 30, 2022 regarding P3DN and products of micro businesses as well as small businesses and cooperatives in the context of the success of the Proudly Made Indonesian National Movement (Gernas BBI) in the implementation of government procurement of goods/services.

"There are several coordination steps that need to be taken," said Mohammad Idris in his statement, Monday, June 13, quoted from Antara.

The coordination is initiating and managing local electronic catalogs in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in the field of government goods/services management so that economic growth is more equitable.

Furthermore, increasing the income per capita of the community, reducing poverty and prospering the local economy, through optimizing the involvement of local business actors in the procurement of goods and services for local governments.

Then, all heads of regional apparatus and ranks of the Depok City Government Civil Apparatus (ASN) to use domestic products in various aspects, as has been regulated in the guidelines for the use of domestic products, in the procurement of government goods/services which regulates the use of products in the procurement of goods/services. government funded by the regional budget.

Furthermore, all leaders of SOEs/BUMD/Private and community in Depok City to use domestic products, in various aspects. As has been regulated in the guidelines for the use of domestic products, in the procurement of goods/services that are not financed by the APBD.

Next, consistently implement the provisions regarding P3DN in their respective regional and environmental apparatuses.

"The Depok City Government will cooperate with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to monitor and evaluate the implementation of P3DN, both using the APBD and non-APBD," said Mohammad Idris.

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