JAKARTA - The body of Ridwan Kamil's son, Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril will be brought to Indonesia through the repatriation process. Today, Saturday, June 11, Ridwan Kamil's family is flying to Indonesia at 15:10 WIB from Zurich Airport.
“Mr. Ridwan Kamil and the body will arrive at Soekarno-Hatta Airport on Sunday, June 12 at 3:45 p.m. Then after the processing, the bodies will be brought to Bandung by road,” said Director of PWNI, Judha Nugraha today, Saturday, June 11 virtually.
"We pray together that the process of returning Ananda Eril's body can run smoothly until the funeral procession. Once again on behalf of the foreign ministry, we convey our deep condolences," he continued.
Arriving in Bandung, they will go to Ridwan Kamil's official residence at the Pakuan Building. The core event for the family is held on Sunday, 12 June at 22.00.

The next day, Eril's body will be buried on Monday, June 13 at the family-owned cemetery in Cimaung, Kab. Bandung. However, the nuclear family will hold a funeral first.
The limited space is the reason why they don't hold a public funeral. However, the family said the community was welcome to visit the grave after the funeral was over.
"It is estimated that it will arrive at 22.00 at Pakuan Building and it will be open 23.00 - 08.00 in the morning. The family who participated in the funeral did not depart from the Pakuan Building but headed to Cimaung. Just a core series," he said.
Eril's body was found at the Engehalde Dam after 14 days since missing in the Aare River. After the discovery, Ridwan Kamil immediately came to Switzerland to bring home the body of the child.
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