
BANDA ACEH - The Banda Aceh Legal Aid Institute (LBH) suggested the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Aceh to evaluate the child development system at the Class II Child Special Guidance Institute (LPKA) Banda Aceh.

"We ask the Aceh Ministry of Law and Human Rights to evaluate this children's prison, both in terms of facilities and the mechanism for its development," said Director of LBH Banda Aceh Syahrul, in Banda Aceh, Antara, Friday, June 10.

Syahrul conveyed this following five correctional students who escaped from LPKA Class II Banda Aceh a few days ago.

According to Syahrul, there are two things that must be understood related to the punishment of children, first it must be understood that LPKA is not a prison, but a place for fostering children who have problems with the law.

"So if the coaching process goes according to the SOP, the children will definitely be comfortable, and they won't run away. Because it's not a prison," he said.

Then, said Syahrul, LPKA must provide access to children's rights when undergoing guidance, all of their rights must be fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of the law, if this can be realized then the child will not run away.

"The status of a child is not considered a prisoner, but a child who is in conflict with the law. So it should not be needed like a prisoner," he also said.

In addition, Syahrul also suggested to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to provide a scope of play to those who are under construction, as well as education guarantees. That is, their steps are narrowed, but their rights should not be ignored.

"If the concept of child punishment is followed properly, it will definitely not escape, now this is a question mark what is wrong with prisons so that children can escape," said Syahrul.

Previously, five correctional students fled from LPKA Class II Banda Aceh on Monday, June 6. They escaped through a local bathroom vent.

They are AM bin M (17), a drug convict with a 10 month sentence, MY bin SB (16), a prisoner in a rape case.

SLL bin A (17), convicted of theft and sentenced to two years, FA bin A (17), convicted of rape, sentenced to seven years, and MR bin J (17), convicted of immorality, sentenced to five years and five months.

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