
MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution reminded the Regional Tax and Retribution Management Agency (BPPRD) to maximize its tax collection, which is targeted at around Rp800 billion this year.

"I hope that with these four local tax payment service counters, BPPRD will perform more optimally so that the PAD (regional original income) target for Medan is achieved," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, Friday, June 10.

This was conveyed after the Medan City BPPRD presented four local tax payment service counters for technical service units (UPT), namely UPT I, UPT III, UPT V and UPT VII in this area.

This is because the Medan City Government is currently carrying out development, so it requires quite a large local revenue and the 2022 Medan City PAD is set at IDR 2.5 trillion.

The mayor said the four service counters for regional tax payment services are the result of cooperation between the Medan City Government and the Bank of North Sumatra.

"We thank the Bank of North Sumatra for providing support for every development in the city of Medan. We hope that the cooperation that has been established will be even better in the future," said Bobby.

Head of the Medan City BPPRD, Benny Sinomba Siregar, said this time his party presented four UPT local tax payment service counters to make it easier for people to pay taxes.

Previously in 2021, the Medan City BPPRD had also presented three UPT local tax payment service counters in three locations, some in this area.

"I hope the opening of these four counters will make it easier for taxpayers to report and pay taxes on hotels, restaurants, entertainment, parking, billboards, groundwater and PBB/BPHTB," he said.

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