
BREBES - Police steps in tracking the activities of the Khilafatul Muslimin continue. After securing a number of Muslim caliphate activists, the Brebes Police officially named a new suspect with the initials AJ.

In this regard, the Head of Humas for the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. M. Iqbal Alqudusy, confirmed and stated that AJ was the Amir of the Khilafatul Muslimin of the Greater Cirebon Region.

"The determination of this new suspect is the result of the development of the information given by three Muslim Khilafatul activists who were previously named suspects, namely GZ, AS and DS," explained Iqbal through a short message received, Friday, June 10.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Brebes Police, AKBP Faisal Febrianto, stated that the determination of AJ as a suspect was carried out after he was proven to have ordered a convoy of two-wheeled vehicles carried out by the Khilafatul Muslimin group some time ago. "He was proven to have ordered a wheeled vehicle convoy carried out by the Khilafatul Muslimin Jama'at in Brebes Regency by gathering the Ummul Quro at the FASHION PALACE SHOP where the US brothers are," said the Police Chief in a written statement.

As is known, he continued, the activities carried out by the Khilafatul Muslimin group not only carried out convoys but also distributed brochures, pamphlets in the form of announcements as well as advice and appeals that allegedly contained false or uncertain news that caused chaos in the community and had the potential to plot treason.

As for a number of items that were confiscated, the Head of Police said, it was AJ's cellphone, a screen shot of a photo of the activity on May 26, 2022 from the cellphone of the US suspect and a screen shot of the call for activities on May 26, 2022 from the cellphone of the suspect US.

"For this reason, the suspect AJ is suspected of violating Article 14 paragraph 1 in conjunction with 55 and or 15 in conjunction with Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Code and or 107 in conjunction with 55 of the Criminal Code," he continued.

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