
JAKARTA - The National Police said that Ali Zamroni as the leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin Cirebon region had not been named a suspect. Until now the status is still being checked.

"There is no additional status to increase the person concerned (Ali Zamroni, ed) as a suspect, not yet," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Friday, June 10.

Currently, the Central Java Police investigation team, said Dedi, is still in the deepening stage. The search for evidence and clues continues.

"The update I received is still under investigation and deepening," he said.

Dedi stated that the investigative team would not rush into the process of determining the suspect. Because there must be strong evidence so that the investigation steps taken can be accounted for.

"The police will not rush in assigning a suspect to someone. That the police must first strengthen, the scientific proof process must be able to be proven by investigators at Polda-Polda or at Polres," said Dedi.

The leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin organization in the Cirebon area, West Java, Ali Zamroni, was arrested by the Brebes Police. He was arrested in connection with the development of the investigation into the organization's convoy case which was carried out some time ago.

In investigating the case of the Khilafatul Muslimin convoy in Brebes Regency, the police have arrested 3 people. They are GZ as the head of the branch of the Khilafatul Muslimin Jamaat and DS, and the US which is the head of the branch of the Khilafatul Muslimin Jamaat.

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