
JAKARTA - RI Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the implementation of Agrarian Reform programs must uphold the value of unity so as not to cause divisions between citizens.

"The implementation of Agrarian Reform programs must uphold the value of unity so as not to cause divisions among citizens, and uphold the principles of social justice so that it does not benefit only a few parties," said the Vice President in his online directive at the Closing of the Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA) Summit. 2022, from Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, 9 June.

He emphasized that Agrarian Reform as a national strategic program has an important role in reducing inequality in land tenure and ownership, handling agrarian disputes and conflicts, and creating agrarian-based sources of prosperity and community welfare.

In addition, Agrarian Reform also provides legal certainty of land rights, improves community access to economic resources, including improving and maintaining environmental quality.

The Vice President emphasized that the Agrarian Reform Program is relevant to be encouraged, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic which has an impact on all aspects of life, especially the economy.

The Vice President asked that collaborative work be encouraged, one of which is by optimizing GTRA, as a cross-sectoral coordination forum established based on Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018 concerning Agrarian Reform.

"In addition, Indonesia also has a Job Creation Law which provides a foundation for realizing synchronization of national land settlements, including through a policy of one spatial plan that becomes a common reference. This regulation needs to be supported by the availability of spatial planning documents, particularly the Detailed Spatial Plan which needs to be accelerated," he said.

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