
JAKARTA - The body of Emmeril Khan Mumtadz or familiarly called Eril was found by the Engehalde Dam, Switzerland. Eril's father, Ridwan Kamil, is grateful for the discovery of the body of his eldest son.

"Allah is the Greatest! Alhamdulillah, O Allah SWT, you have answered our prayer requests. Ananda Emmeril Khan Mumtadz's body has been found," said Ridwan Kamil on his ridwankamil Instagram account, Thursday, June 9.

Ridwan Kamil expressed his gratitude to the Indonesian Embassy in Switzerland and the police/city government of Bern for their hard work in searching for Eril.

"Jazakallah to all those who helped in the search and to those who sincerely prayed for Eril, may Allah SWT reward you all for your kindness and sincerity.

“Really my God, we are calm now. You are truly the Most Gracious, Most Merciful and Most Acceptable of our prayers," he said.

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