
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is scheduled to inaugurate the opening of the 2022 Jakarta Fair Kemayoran (JFK) at the JIExpo Kemayoran arena, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 9, evening.

A number of other state officials are also scheduled to attend the opening ceremony of JFK 2022 such as Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, and a number of ambassadors from friendly countries.

The Jakarta Fair Kemayoran 2022 will be held for 39 days, from June 9 to July 17, 2022. The big event, which was closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, continues to apply health protocols (prokes) to the fullest.

From the observations of VOI at the location, on the first day of the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran 2022, the enthusiasm of residents who visited JFK was quite high, although it was not yet seen as crowded with visitors.

Seen from the main entrance, residents from various regions started queuing at the door of the JIExpo Kemayoran arena at around 15.30 WIB.

A number of residents were seen coming with their families, friends and relatives. They visited JFK after work hours.

Even though it was raining in the JIExpo Kemayoran area, the visitors still looked enthusiastic. A number of culinary stands, electronics to MSME stands were also seen crowded with residents who were still wearing masks.

Previously, Marketing Director of the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Ralph Scheunemann said his staff had received certification from the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia to hold the 2022 Jakarta Fair Kemayoran festival.

"It has received the Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environment Sustainability (CHSE) certification given by the Ministry of Tourism, and the Decree on the Recommendation for the implementation of the exhibition issued by the DKI Jakarta Tourism Office," said Ralph in his statement, Monday, June 6, yesterday.

"In this case, visitors can enjoy the course of this grand event safely and comfortably," he continued.

According to Ralph, his staff will also prepare an Internal COVID Task Force Team that is spread throughout the JFK area to oversee the progress of the festival during the festival.

Then the requirements for JFK visitors, said Ralph, were to have at least a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, then scan the code connected to the PeduliLindung application.

"Checking body temperature at the exhibition entrance area and also wearing a mask while in the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran exhibition area," said Ralph.

Meanwhile, the JFK 2022 performance will be held for 39 days, starting from June 9 to July 17.

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