
SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa conveyed the good news that all regencies/cities in East Java had entered PPKM level 1 status. That way, face-to-face activities (PTM) for schools could be held 100 percent.

"Alhamdulillah, based on data from the Ministry of Home Affairs published on June 7 yesterday, the PPKM assessment in East Java for all regencies and cities has entered level 1," said Khofifah, Thursday, June 9.

Based on the Minister of Home Affairs Number 29 of 2022, it is stated that public facilities, public spaces, and community activities can run 100 percent. Even so, there are some regulations that must be obeyed in order to adjust to the new normal after the pandemic.

Among them are face-to-face meeting (PTM) school activities, and spectators at sports competitions can only be 100 percent if they have been fully vaccinated.

In addition, the public can also eat at the restaurant directly, with a note that restaurants, malls, and similar places are open until 22.00 only.

"Meanwhile, places that are only open at night are allowed to open from 18.00 to 02.00," he said.

During the two years of being hit by a pandemic, continued Khofifah, the frontline guards have been tested in handling emergency conditions. This, he said, could be a guide in the future for all parties, both inside and outside East Java. That all strategic elements of East Java are proven to be able to build synergy, collaboration and work together.

"There are many things that can be used as references for how the handling of COVID-19 is built on hard work, professionalism, and extraordinary synergy. God willing, a good performance like this can be adapted by anyone," he said.

With PPKM Level 1, Khofifah appreciates the performance of HR in the East Java health environment for the extraordinary contribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also thanked all FORKOPIMDA ranks as well as the entire community and all strategic elements in East Java.

"So I specifically want to thank the human resources of the health environment, because this is thanks to the extraordinary cooperation and hard work of all strategic elements in East Java," he said.

Khofifah reminded human resources in the health environment such as Persi, IDI, PPNI, IBI, Health Offices in all districts/cities, to continue to strengthen the essence of their respective professions.

"The task of all of us, especially the health workers, is how we heal the world. In essence, we are not only trying to help one or two people, but the entire world community.

"I hope that all parties can build the best possible communication, synergy and coordination to provide the best health services for all citizens in Indonesia," continued Khofifah.

Based on national data on the COVID-19 situation in East Java as of June 8, 2022, there were 34 additional confirmed positive cases. There are 161 active cases or 0.03 percent of the total 576,541 confirmed cases.

While those who recovered there were an additional 26 people. So that the number of patients who recovered became 544,735 people or 94.48 percent of the total confirmed positive.

For vaccination, based on the Dashboard of the Ministry of Health/KCPEN as of June 8, 2022, the first dose has reached 29,804,560 people or 93.65 percent of the total target of 31,826,206 people.

While the second dose has reached 25,426,944 or 79.89 percent. While the third dose or booster counted 6,011,238 participants or 18.89 percent of the total target.

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