
JAKARTA - The former Director of the Special Criminal Investigation Unit (Dirreskrimsus) of the West Nusa Tenggara Police, Syamsudin Baharuddin, appears in the description of the charges belonging to four corruption defendants in the project to add operating rooms and the ICU of the North Lombok Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

Syamsudin's name came out when the Public Prosecutor (JPU) Fajar Alamsyah Malo described the emergence of PT Apro Megatama as the winner of the 2019 job package auction.

"After PT Apro Megatama was announced as the winner of the job package auction, witness Benny Burhanuddin was contacted by a person who claimed to be named Syamsudin who served as Dirreskrimsus Polda NTB, who at that time claimed to be with witness Lalu Majemuk," Fajar said to the Panel of Judges at the Criminal Court. Mataram corruption, Thursday 9 June quoted from Antara.

Then Majemuk in the description of the indictment is described as the Head of Administration for Development Control and Procurement Services at the Regional Secretariat of North Lombok Regency.

Meanwhile, Benny Burhanuddin is the party who has the power of attorney from the Director of PT Apro Megatama Amin Karaka, to participate in the bidding of the auction package for the project. But Benny did not go directly, but ordered his staff named Rahmat Hidayat.

In his communication with Burhanuddin as the beneficiary of PT Apro Megatama, Fajar continued, Syamsudin requested that the project package be carried out by his own person.

"However, witness Benny Burhanuddin responded by directing him to contact his staff, namely Rahmat Hidayat," he said.

With this directive, Rahmat was contacted by Lalu Majemuk and asked to meet in Mataram City.

During the meeting, Majemuk introduced a man named Syahid who claimed to be Syamsudin's younger brother. To Rahmat, Syahid asked directly to work on the project.

When he heard the request of Syahid who claimed to be the younger brother of the former Dirreskrimsus Polda NTB, Rahmat received orders from Benny Burhanuddin to take Syahid to meet directly with the Director of PT Apro Megatama Amin Karaka in Makassar. Shahid met with Amin Karaka accompanied by Compound.

"From the meeting in Makassar, Amin Karaka as Director of PT Apro Megatama gave the power of director to Syahid, which was then stated in a notarial deed," he said.

With this authorization, Syahid then signed a work contract with the project commitment maker (PPK), Zaeni.

The signing of the contract agreed that the work package will be carried out for 120 working days from August 21, 2019 to December 18, 2019, with the contract value according to the offer price of PT Apro Megatama, IDR 6.4 billion.

"In signing the contract, PT Apro Megatama continued to act in the name of Amin Karaka as the director of the work package provider, but by Syahid, Amin Karaka's signature was forged forever," said Fajar.

Seven weeks running, the project showed 4.1 percent work progress. Far from the target of 15.1 percent. Zaeni as PPK responded to this by giving a letter of warning to the Director of PT Apro Megatama.

Not long ago in the middle of work, Zaeni resigned as PPK for reasons of many other project assistances.

Syamsul Hidayat as Director of the North Lombok Hospital as well as the power user of the budget (KPA) appointed E Bakri as Zaeni's replacement for the project PPK.

In addition to the change of PPK, Syamsul Hidayat took a policy to make a contract addendum with PT Apro Megatama. In the addendum, Syamsul Hidayat changed the power of PT Apro Megatama from Syahid to someone he knew, Darsito. The change was carried out before a notary.

After the change, the work showed significant progress. However, nearing the end of the work contract, Syamsul Hidayat made a second addendum, which was to extend 50 days for project work.

"The extension of the project implementation time is added by 50 working calendar days so that it becomes 170 days from February 6, 2020," said Fajar.

Until nearing the end of the work, the project is reported to have shown significant progress. This is according to what was reported by a supervisory consultant from CV Citra Pandu Utama. The disbursement of the budget was carried out until the fourth term.

State losses On February 13, 2020, in the temporary work handover agenda, the work results inspection committee (PPHP) found that there was a shortage of work volume.

"In the minutes of inspection or research on the submission of stage one on February 13, 2020, the lack of project work volume was concluded to be repaired or perfected within a period of three working calendar days, from February 14 to February 17 2020," said Ema Muliawati replacing Fajar in reading out the indictment. .

From a follow-up report dated 17 February 2020, continued Ema, it was concluded that the lack of work volume had been corrected and refined so that the handover of work from PT Apro Megatama to the government was carried out.

However, the search results revealed that the lack of volume of work was not carried out. Instead, the report stating that PT Apro Megatama had made repairs was engineered by the PPK, E Bakri.

This was also reinforced by the report on the results of the examination of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the Republic of Indonesia NTB Representative for the examination of the 2019 APBD management at the North Lombok Hospital.

"The results of the project inspection found that there was a lack of work volume worth Rp. 212 million," he said.

Based on BPK's findings, the prosecutor's office took steps to collect data and information by requesting expert analysis from the NTB Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Office.

"Based on BPK RI's findings on project implementation, investigators asked the NTB PUPR Service to carry out a detailed physical examination," he said.

From the results of expert examinations, he continued, it was found that there were a number of types of work that were not in accordance with specifications.

"Such as vinyl specifications, operating lamp holders, and there are several types of goods that are expensive," said Ema.

With the description of the indictment, the public prosecutor declared Syamsul Hidayat as KPA; E Bakri, as PPK; Darsito, as the beneficiary of PT Apro Megatama; and Sulaksono, Director of CV Citra Pandu Utama, have jointly carried out an act that resulted in state losses according to the results of the NTB Inspectorate's calculation of Rp1,557 billion.

In the indictment, the four defendants who were presented at the same time in the inaugural trial were charged with Article 2 and/or Article 3 Juncto Article 18 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20/2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31/1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

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