
JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, Mohamad Syahril, said the increase in national COVID-19 cases by 31 percent in the last three weeks was still within a reasonable and controlled level.

"We are still in a pandemic position. This means that the virus is still around us and has the potential to re-infect or re-infect people who have contracted COVID-19," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 9.

He said the increase in the number of cases was natural, because SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, was still circulating in the community.

Syahril, who also serves as the President Director of the Sulianti Saroso Hospital, ensured that the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the country was still well controlled.

"Looking at this problem, don't just look at one additional case, but also look at other influencing factors, such as the hospital occupancy rate, it's still low. This means that there are not many cases and it's still below the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). " he said.

The WHO safe standard regarding the occupancy of hospital beds or the bed occupancy rate (BOR) is below five percent.

In addition, Syahril said the death rate in Indonesia due to COVID-19 was still low, which was below the average of five people or below the WHO safe limit of three percent of the total cases.

"This case means it doesn't cause as many deaths as the previous Delta waves," he said.

The positivity rate indicator or the proportion of positive people out of the total number of people tested is still below the WHO indicator figure of under five percent.

"People remain calm, the increase is still below the WHO standard indicator figures and other indicator figures are still under control," he said.

The Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Prof Wiku Adisasmito previously at a press conference, Wednesday (8/6), stated that the trend of weekly positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia rose by 31 percent.

According to task force data on May 22, 2022, there were 1,814 positive cases, but now it has increased to 2,385 cases. Daily active cases also experienced an increase of 328 cases or 10 percent.

From the daily active cases reported on June 2, 2022, namely 3,105 cases, now it has increased to 3,433 cases.

There are five provinces that contributed to the highest increase in COVID-19 cases in the past week, namely DKI Jakarta (30 percent), Banten (38 percent), West Java (18 percent), DI Yogyakarta (45 percent), and East Java (37 percent). ).

The cause of the increase in cases is thought to have occurred due to community social activities which began to return to normal over time.

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