
JAKARTA - Head of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI) Petrus Reinhard Golose said that his party was cooperating with a number of countries in South America to prevent the entry of cocaine and other narcotics trafficking in Indonesia. work as Chair of the Indonesian Delegation to several countries in South America in order to anticipate the entry of cocaine and other narcotics trafficking," said Golose when delivering his remarks at the North Jakarta City BNN office, Thursday 9 June. countries in South America are targeting areas around the Golden Peacock or located along the Andes Mountains. Quoted from the official BNN RI document entitled The Mid-Term Review ASEAN Work Plan on Securing Communities Against Illicit Drugs 2016-2025, Golden Peacock is a cocaine trafficking area shipped from Colombia goes to Mexico or to Central America by sea, which is then continued to the United States and Canada by land. The head of the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency emphasized that although the circulation of cocaine takes place in the Americas, it is possible for Indonesia to become one of the destination countries for the circulation. Moreover, there has been an increase in narcotics users by 0.15 percent in Indonesia since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Therefore, the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency cooperates with Panama as a country that borders Colombia. In addition, Panama also has the Panama Canal or the Panama Canal which distributes various types of cargo throughout the world. Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the visit of the Head of the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency to Panama will take place from May 21, 2022 to May 24, 2022. Golose.

Argentina is a hub or center of organized crime, Golose continued. Illegal drugs enter Argentina through Uruguay to be distributed to Europe. Furthermore, BNN is also cooperating with Ecuador as a country that borders Colombia. These various cooperation steps are a form of BNN's seriousness in overcoming the problem of drug trafficking in Indonesia. Golose also reminded that narcotics crime is part of organized transnational crime, thus anticipating steps to protect the nation's children from crimes originating outside the territory. Indonesia is a crucial step. "We can imagine, the place is part of South America there, but the consequences could be in Indonesia," said Golose.

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