
SURABAYA - Surabaya Embarkation Officers again found the luggage of prospective hajj pilgrims that exceeded the maximum limit. Starting from instant noodles, green beans, to money as much as Rp. 150 million.

The Head of the Regional Office of the East Java Ministry of Religion, Husnul Maram, as the Chair of the Surabaya Embarkation PPIH, said the officers found this luggage from the suitcases of the group of nine pilgrims from Tulungagung. This was discovered when the officers checked the luggage entering the Hajj Dormitory via X-ray.

From the results of the inspection, the officers found Rp. 150 million worth of money which was neatly wrapped and put in a place that was also filled with rice. "Then by the officers, the money was calculated and the total amount was Rp. 150 million," said Maram, Thursday, June 9.

Knowing this, Maram immediately ordered the Surabaya Embarkation PPIH Customs officer to inspect the pilgrim candidate. As a result, the owner of the suitcase from Tulungagung admitted that the money belonged to five members of the congregation who were members of one KBIH.

Maram explained, based on Bank Indonesia Regulation no: 4/8/PBI/2002 concerning the requirements and procedures for bringing rupiah currency into and out of the customs territory of the Republic of Indonesia, every person who carries out of the country Rp100 million in cash must obtain a permit from BI.

"Because the amount of cash brought by the 9th batch of hajj pilgrims was above Rp. 100 million, the officers had made a cover letter to be able to bring the money to Saudi Arabia," he said.

In addition to finding money in the congregation's suitcases, officers also found overwighted suitcases. "There are still many suitcases that are overweight, and must be unpacked and reduced by contents," he said.

The excess weight of the congregation's luggage, said Maram, is mostly dominated by food ingredients such as instant noodles, green beans, sago pearls, peanut sauce and others. "We return this excess baggage to the officers in the area, and we can collect it after returning from the Holy Land," he said.

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