
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Arifin again reminded his members to carry out three main tasks, one of which is enforcing all regional regulations (perda).

"Remember, we are enforcers of regional regulations and regional head regulations or regional regulations. So that is our main task," said Arifin at the inauguration of the Satpol PP office in Kembangan District, West Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 9.

First, Arifin explained, the regulations that must be enforced are not only about peace and public order, but all regulations that apply in DKI Jakarta.

One of the regional regulations that has also become a concern for Satpol PP is the enforcement of health protocols (prokes). In addition, Satpol PP also has the right to take action against people who do not care for and protect the environment.

"So people litter, there is a local regulation, who takes action? We are the people. Those who violate local regulations and local regulations are our duty as law enforcement officers," said Arifin.

Second, Arifin emphasized that the Satpol PP must be present to provide peace and public order. This is done in a humane way and does not promote violence.

"Thus, residents can feel safe and comfortable with the presence of members in the field," he said.

Third, Satpol PP must also be ready if needed in a disaster situation. Arifin ensured that his members would be present to help residents affected by disasters such as floods, fires or earthquakes.

Officers in the field will assist in terms of the evacuation process, carry out the first rescue actions to build a post for the refugees.

"Whatever the needs of the community in this situation must be assisted," he said.

Arifin hopes that the three important tasks can be carried out by his staff in order to provide maximum service to residents.

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