
JAKARTA - Member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Poengky Indarti said the revision of the National Police Chief Regulation (Perkap) No. 14 of 2011 and Perkap No. 19 of 2012 to follow up on the polemic of the AKBP Raden Brotoseno case would be an internal correction of the National Police. former corruption convict AKBP Raden Brotoseno who returns to active duty in the National Police. "This revision will be a correction for the internal police, as well as an effort to provide a sense of justice for the community," Poengky told ANTARA when confirmed in Jakarta, Thursday. 19 of 2012 concerning the Organizational Structure and Work Procedure of the National Police Ethics Commission and Perkap Number 14 of 2011 concerning the National Police Professional Code of Ethics. Listyo Sigit Prabowo intends to revise the two perkap by making one and adding a clause to review the results of the code of ethics trial decisions that injure the public's sense of justice. carried out by members of the police. "We encourage evaluation and revision of regulations related to the process of enforcing the code of ethics. We support efforts to revise the two perkap with the possibility of judicial review," he said.

He also hopes that there will be no more cases of re-activation of Polri members who have been convicted of corruption cases, such as Raden Brotoseno. Moreover, he continued, there is Perkap Number 2 of 2022 which requires superiors to carry out inherent supervision of their members. Kompolnas also encourages inherent supervision from direct superiors to their subordinates, so that superiors must continue to guide and supervise their members in order to carry out their duties as well as possible and avoid disgraceful acts. "The superiors must also be quick to make corrections and impose penalties if a member violates the rules. The consequence of Perkap Number 2 of 2022, if the superior neglects to supervise the members, the person concerned will also be subject to sanctions," he stressed. code of ethics and procedural law. "With revisions that allow for reconsideration, decisions that are inkrah can be reviewed," he said. Previously, the National Police revised Perkap No. 14 of 2011 and Perkap No. 19 of 2012 to follow up on the polemic in the case of AKBP Raden Brotoseno . Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized his commitment to eradicating corruption. According to Listyo Sigit, the two perkaps did not exist or there was no mechanism to take action against a decision from the Police Code of Ethics trial which was considered to have injured the public's sense of justice related to corruption. In the AKBP case Raden Brotoseno, a former corruption convict, was not fired from the National Police in accordance with the results of the ethics trial. "Therefore, we discussed with experts and we agreed to make changes or revise the perkap," said Sigit. changed the perkap by including various expert opinions as a form of transparency of the police. back to the decisions y which has been issued by the code of ethics commission hearing, which is judged to have made a wrong decision or there are other things. "We really need to change exactly the problems we are currently facing," he said.

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