
JAKARTA - High Military Court Judge II Colonel Chk. Hanifan Hidayatullah said that the management of the Army Housing Compulsory Savings Fund (TWP AD) should be carried out based on clear laws, such as the presidential regulation on government procurement of goods/services, so that there are no problems. the journey," said Hanifan in the trial with the agenda of examining witnesses related to the alleged corruption case of TWP AD funds at the High Military Court II Jakarta, East Jakarta, Wednesday night, June 8. -June 2021 Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Sudirman, who said TWP AD funds were managed without following the provisions of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 12 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018 concerning Government Procurement of Goods/Services. Thus, according to Hanifan, there are irregularities in the management of AD TWP funds, such as the existence of "accompaniment" funds of Rp. 35 mil Previously, Sudirman explained that the "accompaniment" funds were funds lent by his party to PT Griya Sari Harta (GHS), as the army housing developer, so that the company could provide plots of land for the Indonesian Army housing. However, until now, the money has not been returned to the account belonging to TWP AD. Hanifan assesses that the act is legally wrong, as stipulated in the Presidential Regulation on the Procurement of Government Goods/Services, because the fulfillment of funds for land provision is the obligation of the second party in this case PT GHS. In addition, Sudirman said the management of TWP AD funds was carried out independently, as stated in the Army Chief of Staff Regulation Number KEP/181/III/2018 dated March 12, 2018, which is a guideline regarding the management of mandatory housing savings and the distribution of self-managed housing loans (KPR) for army personnel.

"Swakelola manages itself, does not follow the presidential regulation regarding the procurement of goods and services," said Sudirman. Then, at the next session, in front of seven other witnesses, Hanifan expressed his disappointment with the management of TWP AD funds which had not been in line with the mandate of the Chief of Staff Decree. TNI Army (Kasad) Number KEP/181/III/2018 as a guideline on the management of mandatory housing savings and the distribution of self-managed home ownership loans (KPR) for army personnel. In this provision, said Hanifan, AD TWP should be used for the welfare of TNI soldiers AD. However, in practice, a number of parties actually misused the use of these funds for personal interests. The alleged corruption case of AD TWP funds also involved the defendants TWP AD Finance Director for 2019-2020 Brigadier General Yus Adi Kamarullah (YAK) and PT GHS President Director Ni Putu Purnamasari ( NPP). In his indictment, the Military Oditurat of the High Military Court II Jakarta stated that Yus had withdrawn money from the TWP AD Management Agency (BP) account without the permission of Kasad, which was then transferred to Yus' personal account. Then, the money was used as a deposit as credit guarantee for Defendant II Ni Putu Purnamasari. The actions of Yus and NPP allegedly resulted in state financial losses of Rp. 133,763,305,600, based on the calculation of state losses by BPKP on December 28, 2021.

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