
JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR Andi Rio Idris Padjalangi assessed that the discourse on changing the authority to issue a Driving Permit (SIM) from the Police to the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will have a number of impacts.

The discourse is contained in the revision of Law No. 22/2009 concerning Road Transport Traffic (UU LLAJ). According to Rido, if the plan is realized, it will have an impact on service changes.

"If the Ministry of Transportation takes over the authority, it will have an impact on services and budgets," Rio said in his statement, Wednesday, June 8.

The change in service, continued Rio, is because the facilities and infrastructure for issuing SIMs are currently only owned by the National Police. This facility has also been connected to all over Indonesia since the first.

Therefore, as reported by Antara, Rio assessed that the SIM issuance service, which was currently in the hands of the National Police, was appropriate. The reason is, in accordance with Article 15 paragraph (2) letters b and c of Law Number 2/2002 concerning the National Police. He is sure that the Police Law will not conflict with the provisions of Article 30 paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution.

"I am optimistic that the Police will not be negligent in carrying out their main duties and functions in creating security and public order, because they only provide SIM issuance services," said Rio.

Furthermore, Rio assessed that the authority to issue a SIM if held by the Police would also facilitate the law enforcement process in uncovering crimes such as motorcycle theft or crimes on the road.

The main factor in facilitating law enforcement is the connected system. The system can be connected to all ranks of the Indonesian National Police.

However, Rio asked the Police to continue to provide the best service to the community in the management and issuance of driver's licenses by always being humane and precise.

"Conduct periodic evaluations from the side of law enforcement and provide services to the community. All ranks of the police must be able to realize the ideals of the National Police Chief to become a Police that is close and loved by the community," he said.

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