
MEDAN - The Medan Timur Police are following up on information from a motorcycle gang of teenagers who are about to attack other motorcycle gangs. The perpetrators were arrested by the police

At the location, the team saw a group of people using motorbikes. Two teenagers with 2 sickles and a machete were arrested. The evidence of this sharp weapon was obtained by a motorcycle gang member from another person.

The perpetrator was then taken to the East Medan Police. When interrogated, as quoted from a written statement by the Medan Polrestabes, Wednesday, June 8, the perpetrator admitted to being a member of the Bornok motorcycle gang. They will attack Wak Leng's motorcycle gang.

"Because the suspect is still a minor, the personnel summoned the two children's parents and Kepling to make a statement not to repeat his actions and a letter of guarantee against his son. As well as ticketing motorbikes for 1 month, "said the police statement.

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