
TANGERANG - The Mayor of Tangerang, Arief R Wismansyah, spoke about the rise of children who create dangerous content until they die.

Therefore, he asked parents to supervise their children, in order to prevent unwanted incidents.

Besides that, Arief also asked parents to build communication with their children so that they can accommodate what they have wanted so far.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please continue to monitor their children, not just for the sake of social media content, our children are endangering their lives." Arief said in a written statement, Wednesday, June 8.

Previously, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Seto Mulyadi or Kak Seto also spoke about the rampant phenomenon of children blocking trucks for content.

According to him, the children did the action because they wanted to get attention from their family or the environment where they lived. So looking for busyness by creating harmful content.

"It's really very worrying, in the sense that communication within the family seems to be decreasing. So it's these children who don't get (family) attention from their friends, their environment," said Seto to Voi, Tuesday, June 7.

"In the end, making content is a bit dangerous. Because it doesn't get appreciation from the family and also appreciation from the school environment," he continued.

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