
SURABAYA - Head of the East Java Ministry of Religion Regional Office, Husnul Maram, said that two prospective Hajj pilgrims (JCH) were delayed in their departure to the Holy Land due to being positive for COVID-19. The two people from the flying group (kloter) six came from Pacitan Regency.

"Based on reports from the Pacitan hajj officers, there are two people who have not been able to join the group to enter the Surabaya Hajj Embarkation Dormitory because the PCR test results are still positive," said Maram, in Surabaya, Wednesday, June 8.

Maram wished both of them a speedy recovery and tested negative. So they did not get a Dormitory Entry Order (SPMA), before it was confirmed negative based on the results of the PCR test.

"The SPMA will come out when all the administration needed by the congregation has been fulfilled, such as visas, all vaccines are complete, the PCR results are negative, and so on. So, if the PCR results are positive, then he can't get the SPMA," he said.

When the PCR results are negative, said Maram, the two congregations will immediately be combined with the next batch. So that they can be sent directly to the Holy Land.

Therefore, Maram appealed to all pilgrims who will depart for Hajj to maintain their health and comply with health protocols.

"Before leaving for hajj, please take care of your body, don't be too tired. Also avoid meeting with many people, keep your distance and wear a mask when meeting guests at home in anticipation that the PCR results are negative," he said.

As of Tuesday, June 7, the Surabaya Embarkation had dispatched six groups to the holy land via Surabaya Juanda International Airport. The congregants of the six groups came from seven regions in East Java, namely Surabaya City, Tuban Regency, Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Magetan, Pacitan, and Ponorogo.

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