
JAKARTA - A video recording from a CCTV camera shows the theft by a man wearing a black jacket with a woman and a small child. The video was uploaded to an Instagram social media account. The perpetrators managed to beat a white and red Honda beat automatic motorbike in the Jelambar area, West Jakarta, Tuesday, June 7. From the narration of the video, it is written that the new mode of action of motorcycle theft is written. "A new mode of motorcycle theft, the perpetrators are neatly dressed and bring their children and wives," wrote the narration of the video upload. The perpetrator was previously caught on CCTV cameras crossing the scene with a woman and a small child. The perpetrator was driving a black motorbike with number G 8825 ABC.

Meanwhile, a woman is seen wearing a helmet in the back seat. While a small child sat in front of the driver (perpetrator). The perpetrator's action by bringing a woman and a small child was strongly suspected to avoid the suspicion of residents when they stole a motorbike. When confirmed, the Head of Public Relations of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Moch Taufik Iksan, will immediately check the motorcycle theft incident which was recorded on the CCTV camera and uploaded on social media. "Check it first," said Kompol Moch Taufik when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, June 8, noon.

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