
JAKARTA - Violence involving law enforcement officers at a nightclub in Yogyakarta, Central Java has occurred again. Bryan Yoga Kusuma was the victim of a beating allegedly carried out by police officers at Holywings Jogja, last Friday, June 3.

The DIY Regional Police intervened by examining 17 people related to the incident. Two Sleman Police officers are said to have committed violations.

In response to this problem, Secretary General of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso emphasized that the police officers involved in the persecution of Bryan Yoga Kusuma at the Holywings Yogyakarta parking lot and at the Sleman Police Station should be fired because they have injured the dignity of the Polri institution.

Moreover, according to Sugeng, the Yogyakarta Regional Police Chief Inspector General Asep Suhendar has promised to process the crimes of the two members of the National Police.

"It means that they have violated the discipline and code of ethics," he told VOI, Wednesday, June 8.

This certainty, he continued, was after the case was carried out by the Paminal Sub-Directorate, the Propam Directorate of Polda DIY after examining four civilians and 13 police officers. As a result, there were violations committed by members of the National Police with the initials LV and AR.

Therefore, Sugeng continued, Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) urges the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to dismiss two members of the Sleman Police Satreskrim who abused Bryan Yoga Kusuma.

Sugeng assessed that this was in accordance with the mandate in Article 15 of Government Regulation No. 1 of 2003 concerning the Dismissal of Police Members which stated that dismissing members of the Police was carried out by: a. President for the rank of Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) or higher, b. National Police Chief for the rank of Adjunct Senior Commissioner (AKBP) or lower.

The reason is that the acts of abuse carried out by members with the initials LV and AR against Bryan, clearly violated the laws and regulations. Article 13 paragraph 1 PP 1 of 2003 expressly states that a member of the National Police may be dishonorably discharged from the Police Service for violating the oath/promise of a member of the Police, the oath/promise of office, and/or the Police Professional Code of Ethics.

IPW explained that the Polri institution is a state instrument whose main task is to protect and protect the community.

"Don't let this noble task be tainted by the actions of arrogant police officers and damage the dignity of the Police," he said.

Of course, this is strictly regulated in Article 5 letter a of Government Regulation No. 2 of 2003 concerning Discipline of Police Members which states that in the context of maintaining state and community life, members of the National Police are prohibited from doing things that can reduce the honor and dignity of the state, government, or the Police.

As is known, the persecution began on Friday, June 3. The victim, Bryan Yoga Kusuma along with several of his colleagues, Albert Wijaya, Aprio Rabadi, Yogi Adhika Pratistha and Irawan visited Holywings Yogyakarta at around 23.30 WIB.

At around 02.00 WIB on Saturday, June 4, 2022, Bryan Yoga Kusuma was provoked by a person named Carmel, and ended in a fight in front of the Holywings parking lot.

At that time, Carmel called a friend named Leo who then gathered all security, thugs, parking attendants, provost and PM to provoke Bryan.

In that incident, Bryan Yoga was beaten for about an hour by about 20 people. Surprisingly, there were police officers involved. After the situation was somewhat conducive, Bryan and Albert were given a middle way option to resolve the problem at the Sleman Police Station.

But while at the police station, Bryan and Albert were still being tortured and beaten. Due to this incident, the new regulation issued by the National Police Chief, namely Perkap Number 2 of 2022 concerning Inherent Supervision within the Police, was not implemented. As a result, the persecution by members of the National Police against civilians went out of control.

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