
JAKARTA - Member of Commission V of the House of Representatives, Sigit Sosiantomo asked the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) to find a solution to overcome the high price of airplane tickets lately.

"Is it possible to lower the upper limit tariff (TBA) for economy class? This includes strictly monitoring the application of the upper limit. Do not let airlines set fares above the upper limit," said Sigit Sosiantomo in a statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 7.

Sigit conveyed this following the number of public complaints about the increase in air ticket fares. According to Sigit, as the regulator of the Ministry of Transportation, it is hoped that they will be able to take a solution to the problem of increasing flight ticket rates.

"There are many complaints from residents about the extraordinary increase in airline tickets. Indeed, this cannot be avoided because it is related to the increase in aviation fuel prices which is an important component in determining tariffs, but as a regulator, the Ministry of Transportation cannot remain silent. It must make a solution policy," he said, as quoted by Antara. Between.

Sigit said the recent soaring flight ticket prices are feared to have an impact on the Indonesian economy, especially the air transportation sector which has just started to rise after the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Sigit, the impact is not only consumers who have to pay more than usual, but the tourism and hospitality industry will be affected.

"Currently, the transportation sector is starting to recover after being slumped for two years due to the pandemic. Don't let it contract again because the tariffs are too high, so that people's interest in traveling has decreased again because the 'cost' incurred is very expensive," said Sigit.

Regarding tariff setting, Sigit said the government only regulates the upper limit tariff (TBA) and lower limit tariff (TBB) for airplane passengers on domestic routes in economy class according to Law no. 1/2009 on Aviation.

Meanwhile, for business class for domestic travel or domestic routes, the fare is not regulated in a regulation and is left to the market mechanism, he said.

Likewise, he said, for flights on international routes that are not regulated and submitted to market mechanisms so that airlines can set international flight ticket prices according to the situation or existing market mechanisms.

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