
CIANJUR - Cianjur Health Office, West Java, recorded 82 people with new HIV/AIDS as of April 2022. Various programs were carried out to prevent transmission, such as facilitating people with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) to get medicine.

The Head of Health Services at the Cianjur Health Service, Dr. Frida Laila Yahya, said that there were still many sexual deviations that were the main factor in the high number of HIV/AIDS cases in Cianjur. The total number of people living with HIV/AIDS is 551 people.

"The highest cases are in the Cianjur city area, followed by the north and east, most of those who suffer from HIV/AIDS are same-sex lovers. In 2019 it found 179 cases, in 2020 there were 179 cases, while in 2021 there were 111 cases," he said in Cianjur, Between, Tuesday, June 7th.

To prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, he said, his party made a number of programs ranging from triple elimination or screening, Mobile VCT or mobile HIV test checks and facilitating ARV drugs for HIV/AID patients to referral hospitals.

It also disseminates information about HIV to the community in collaboration with LENSA Outreach NGOs and KPA Cianjur, so that people, especially same-sex lovers or couples outside of marriage, have sex without safety equipment.

"We suspect that there are still many new PLWHA who do not carry out medical tests for various reasons because this is an iceberg phenomenon, which is only on the surface or that is recorded, but there are still many possibilities," he said.

He hopes that PLWHA in Cianjur can report and check themselves regularly to a number of designated health places with guaranteed confidentiality of personal data, while those who have symptoms can report themselves to the service or referral hospital.

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