JAKARTA - Commissioner of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Geisz Chalifa commented on the latest Kompas R&D survey. The survey results show that polarization or divisions between camps with different political views since the 2019 presidential election is still high until now.
The survey results revealed that 36.3 percent of respondents considered the main cause of the increasingly sharp polarization to come from buzzers and influencers.
Kompas Litbang also revealed that the survey results showed that 87.8 percent of respondents agreed that buzzers or influencers who were confusing or provocative were dealt with firmly. According to Geisz, that time will soon come.
"There is time," said Geisz, who is also a supporter of Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election, via his Twitter account, @GeiszChalifah.
Responding to Geisz's satire to the buzzers and influencers who fall into the survey category, social media activist Rudi Valinka replied with a scathing comment.
The author of the book "A Man Called Ahok" assesses the character of the buzzer or influencer in Geisz's attitude. However, said Rudi, Geisz was not aware of it all.
"This person is talking about himself," said Rudi via his Twitter account, @kurawa, followed by a laughing emoji.
Rudi assesses that Geisz often does a number of jobs that buzzers do. One of them is called Rudi, Geiz often defends himself or a figure on social media so he forgets about time to work.
"The Buzzer's characteristics are: 1. The employer is paid/paid. 2. Not working, his only job is to post regularly on social media. 3. His speech is rude, like Tuyul. 4. You don't have a brain from where you sound. Everything is in you, right?" said Rudi.
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