
KARAWANG - Karawang District Police arrested 11 perpetrators of narcotics dealers of methamphetamine type who used to act in a number of areas around Karawang, West Java.

"The arrest of these 11 perpetrators is the result of the disclosure of 10 narcotics cases that were carried out over the past month," said Karawang Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Aldi Subartono in his statement in Karawang, Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

From the arrest, the police confiscated 562.25 grams of crystal methamphetamine. The perpetrators who were arrested were dealers who used to act in a number of Karawang areas.

The perpetrators each had the initials AS alias Agus, IP alias Jimi, S alias EE, K alias Kardam, W alias Pitut, NP alias Pebe, RJ alias Toki, W alias Doak, DS alias Dukun, Mir alias Jali, and TB alias Pockmarked. .

In carrying out their actions, the perpetrators did not target a particular group of buyers. They distributed methamphetamine to various groups of people.

On average, the perpetrators get narcotics by means of a patch system, which is placed somewhere by dealers or meet each other (bullfights) between consumers and dealers.

"The items were obtained from the Jakarta area," said Police Chief Aldi.

Article 114 paragraph (1) in conjunction with 112 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics is sentenced to a minimum sentence of four years and a maximum of 12 years imprisonment or the death penalty.

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