
JAMBI - Jambi Customs and Excise together with Denpom II Jambi succeeded in thwarting the smuggling of hundreds of thousands of illegal cigarettes by arresting two perpetrators on the West Ring Road, Jambi City. The Jambi Customs Enforcement and Investigation Team together with Denpom II Jambi failed to smuggle 160,000 illegal cigarettes Illegal cigarettes on the West Ring Road, Alambarajo District, Jambi City, said Head of Extension and Information Services of Jambi Customs, Enny Efriani, in Jambi, Tuesday, June 7. "The team then coordinated with Denpom II Jambi to make arrests and succeeded in finding piles of cartons suspected of being illegal cigarettes in inter-city and inter-provincial buses," said Enny, quoted by Antara. 10 cigarettes were found without being attached to an official excise tape with Bro, the estimated total state loss was Rp. 96 million and the team then sealed and secured the two perpetrators and brought them to the Jambi Customs Office. the witness stated that the cigarettes would be distributed in Jambi. The witnesses who were temporarily questioned and the arrests of illegal cigarettes were alleged to have violated Law No. 39 of 2007 concerning amendments to Law No. 11 of 1995 on Excise.

In the previous week, Jambi Customs and Excise had carried out an operation against illegal cigarettes targeting the operations of cigarette traders or sellers as well as agents in Jambi City and succeeded in securing evidence of hundreds of thousands of cigarettes without official or illegal excise. or traders and agents who sell cigarettes in the Jambi Province," said Enny Efriani. The Customs and Excise Office is now continuing to campaign for the 'Illegal Cigarette Attack' operation which continues to be carried out massively in various surveillance areas, including in Jambi and through this surveillance activity, Customs and Excise seeks to suppress the circulation of illegal cigarettes. In addition, this activity is also a form of implementation of the utilization of tobacco product excise revenue-sharing funds (DBHCHT). In Jambi, the raid operation was carried out by visiting shops that traded illegal excisable goods based on information that had been gathered. In addition, the C Customs Team Ukai Jambi also provides education and understanding to shop owners regarding the types of illegal cigarettes and the prohibition of buying and selling illegal cigarettes and currently the implementation of the raid operation carried out by the Jambi Customs and Excise team has succeeded in securing 195,200 cigarettes subject to excise duty (BKC). From the results of the action, it is estimated that the state loss caused is Rp. 121 million with a total estimated value of goods reaching 97.6 million," said Enny. The Jambi Customs Team also placed a sticker on the illegal cigarettes to the places visited as a form of appeal that cigarettes that are consumed not complying with the regulations will be punished, then processed according to the provisions to be destroyed.

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