
JAKARTA - Al Farisi Salman (36) admitted to being a victim of a beating by a number of cafe security guards in the Senopati area, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Salman was accused of buying drugs by the perpetrators.

As a result of the incident, Salman suffered injuries to his face and hands. He was even burned by a cigarette by one of the security guards.

"I was burned (with cigarettes) too, on my face," said Salman at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, June 6.

Salman said the incident occurred on Sunday, June 5, in the early hours of the morning. In that incident, he was attacked by 5-6 security guards at the cafe.

"About four to six people (who beat me)," admitted Salman.

Not accepting that he was being treated this way, Salman reported the beating he experienced to the South Jakarta Metro Police with the number LP/B/1296/VI/2022/SPKT/Polres Metro Jaksel/Polda Metro Jaya.

He hopes that the police can thoroughly investigate this case and the perpetrators can account for their actions.

"After making this report, it can be investigated immediately, and the perpetrator can be held accountable for his actions," he concluded.

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