
KUPANG - Kupang Police Chief AKBP FX Irwan Arianto said investigators are currently investigating the case of molestation and beating against Anselmus Nale (44) with the principal of the Oelbeba State Elementary School reported.

"The Kupang Police Criminal Investigation Unit has received reports of alleged criminal acts of collectively committing violence against people. Investigators have asked for statements from victims and a number of witnesses," said Kupang Police Chief FX Irwan Arianto as quoted by Antara, Monday, June 6.

The violence was allegedly carried out by the Principal of SD Negeri Oelbeba along with a number of perpetrators on May 30, 2022. They are threatened with being subject to Article 170 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The Kupang Police Chief said Anselmus Nalle, who works as a teacher, was a victim of the criminal act of the Principal of SD Negeri Oelbeba Aleksander Nitti along with six other perpetrators.

The incident was known by several witnesses who are also teachers at SD Negeri Oelbeba, including Yusak Maumai (58) and Intan Nuban Wanita (29).

The police chief said investigators had examined the victim and examined witnesses and evidence.

"We have ordered the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit to immediately complete the dossier of the non-criminal beating," said Irwan Arianto.

The incident which went viral on social media, he said, began with the seizure of 1 unit of Samsung A 20 S mobile phone belonging to victim Anselmus Nalle at around 12.20 WITA when a meeting was taking place in the teacher's room at SD Negeri Oelbeba. This meeting discussed the evaluation of school exams and preparation for the end of semester assessment.

In that meeting, there was a difference of opinion during the proposal and suggestion session between the victim Anselm Nale and the reported party Aleksander Nitti. This made the reported angry and emotional, then pounded the table, then got up from the seat to approach the victim, then punched the victim on the back left shoulder.

The reported then swung the wooden chair and hit the victim's body. At that time, the victim parried until his right hand on the ring finger and middle finger was blistered and swollen.

The beatings were also carried out by a number of perpetrators, both in the meeting room and outside the school yard. This incident left the victim injured.

"This case is a criminal act of beating, so it must be processed thoroughly," said the police chief.

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