
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD has formed three special committees (pansus) related to the three existing development plans in Jakarta, namely the Jakarta Special Committee after the relocation of the National Capital City (IKN), the Raperda Special Committee on Transportation Master Plans, and the Special Committee for Drinking Water Management after the Palyja and Aetra work contracts.

Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Khoirudin, said that the formation of three special committees had been approved in a plenary meeting with the appropriate arrangement in Government Regulation Number 12 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for Compilation of Rules of Conduct for Provincial, Regency and City DPRD.

"The formation of the Special Committee is a proposal from Bapemperda which has submitted a letter to the Chair of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD number 6/BAPEMPERDA/IV/2022 on April 13," said Khoirudin in a plenary meeting at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Monday, June 6.

Khoirudin said that the three special committees that were formed would be tasked with issuing recommendations on three policy plans, namely regarding the condition of Jakarta after the capital city moved, the master plan for transportation in Jakarta, and the drinking water management mechanism by PAM Jaya after the cooperation contract with the private sector ended in 2016. 2023.

The member of the PKS faction gave an example that the IKN special committee will issue recommendations regarding the direction of Jakarta's development after the capital city officially moves to East Kalimantan.

"After the IKN is established, we still don't know what Jakarta will look like in the future, we really need to explore Jakarta's readiness, the face of Jakarta after the capital moved to East Kalimantan," he said.

Each Special Committee will be filled by 25 people consisting of two leaders and 23 members. Each faction has submitted the names of its members to be included in the special committee. However, at this time the chair and deputy chair of the special committee have not been determined.

"The names of the leadership, chairman and deputy chairman are still in the process. Soon it will be announced and of course there will be direct discussions," said Khoirudin.

The members of the Jakarta Special Committee after the IKN transfer consisted of Pantas Nainggolan, Ida Maheasy, Merry Hotma, Dwi Rio Sambodo, Indrawati Dewi, Steven Setiabudi, Inggad Joshua, Andyka, Purwanto, Syarifudin, Thopaz Nugraha, Khoirudin, Karyatin, Nasrullah, Abdul Aziz, Misan Samsuri, Wita Susilowati, Oman Rakanda, Farazandi, Idris Ahmad, William Aditya, Nova Harivan, Abdul Azis Muslim, Jamaludin, and Hasbiallah.

Then, the members of the Raperda Special Committee on the Transportation Master Plan consisted of Syahrial, Gani Suwondo, Yuke Yurike, Ong Yenny, Stephanie Octavia, Agustina Hermanto, Ranny Mauliani, Adi Kurnia, Iman Satria, Ichwanul Muslim, Adnani Taufiq, Ismail, Nasdiyanto, Dedi Supriadi, Yusriah Dzinnun, Nur Afni Sajim, Ferrial Sofyan, Bambang Kusumanto, Syahroni, August Hamonangan, Justin Adrian, Hasan Basri, Jupiter, Taufik Azhar, and Ahmad Ruslan.

Then, members of the Special Committee for Drinking Water Management, namely Gembong Warsono, Pandapotan Sinaga, Panji Virgianto, Manuara Siahaan, Wa Ode Herlina, Rasyidi, Inggad Joshua, Nurhasan, Andyka, Esti Arimi Putri, Wahyu Dewanto, Abdurrahman Suhaimi, Taufik Zoelkifli, Muhayar, Achmad Yani , Neneng Hasanah, Faisal, Habib Muhammad, Lukmanul, Anthony Winza, Eneng Malianasari, Wibi Andrino, Muhammad Idris, Judistira, and Jamaluddin Lamanda.

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