
JAKARTA - The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General TNI Andika Perkasa, advised the soldiers who will be occupying the new official residence at Korem 142/Taroada Tarogau, West Sulawesi, to take good care of them.

"I'll be treated later, Mas Bachtiar (a TNI soldier)," said TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa quoting Antara, Sunday, June 5.

General Andika emphasized that every soldier who occupies the official residence must really maintain and care for it because in the future it will be inhabited by other personnel.

"Later, if one day Mas Bachtiar moves, who continues or occupies this house, it is still in good condition," said the TNI Commander.

To other members, the former Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) requested that he immediately bring his wife and children to occupy the newly built house as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Commander of Kodam XIV Hasanuddin Major General (Mayjen) TNI Andi Muhammad said before the earthquake, the location was originally an apartment building built by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for soldiers.

However, he said, when an earthquake occurred in January 2021, the flat was badly damaged and unfit for soldiers to live in because it endangered safety.

TNI Major General Andi Muhammad assessed that the construction of the official house was a form of strong empathy from the TNI Commander, who at that time was still serving as Kasad.

After the earthquake, he said, Kasad immediately sent logistical assistance including heavy equipment to evacuate the rubble caused by the earthquake.

"At that time he was focused on handling the Korem housing," he said.

Regarding the designation, he said the type 45 would be occupied by enlisted soldiers and non-commissioned officers. Meanwhile, types 70, 90, and 120 are intended for middle officers (pamen) and first officers (pama).

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