
YOGYAKARTA - Police are tracing the main route to Baron Beach in Gunung Kidul, which is prone to accidents. Accidents often occur due to interference from long-tailed monkeys on the route.

Head of Traffic Division of the Gunung Kidul Transportation Service, Bayu Susilo Aji, said that the search and survey was carried out by the Transportation Agency together with the Tanjungsari Sector Police.

"This survey follows up on complaints from the public that there are frequent accidents and traffic jams, one of which is caused by wild animals such as long-tailed monkeys," said Bayu in Gunung Kidul, quoted from Antara, Friday, June 3.

He said the survey results on the main route to Baron Beach had a number of accident-prone locations, namely the bend in the south of the Tanjungsari Police Station, Telaga Lebak, and in the Glagah Hamlet area.

"We immediately installed warning signs because in some allocations there were many monkeys crossing which could be the cause of accidents," he said.​Meanwhile, Tanjungsari Police Chief AKP Wawan Anggoro said that his party and the Transportation Agency would put up banners so that motorcyclists would be careful when driving. through the coastal route, to be precise in Kalurahan / Kemiri Village. This step is to reduce the risk of accidents because there are many monkeys crossing the road around the location.

Today, the Tanjungsari Police and the Transportation Agency have conducted a survey of accident-prone areas to the coastal area through the Baron Retribution Collection Post (TPR), one of which is in Glagah Hamlet, Kemiri Village.

According to him, the risk of accidents is not only with other motorcyclists, but also involving a herd of long-tailed monkeys. Based on the information of residents in this area, there are many monkeys that cross so that it is prone to collisions.

"Three days ago there was a motorcyclist who hit a monkey who was crossing. Fortunately, the driver only suffered minor injuries," said Wawan.

The plan, continued Wawan, is to follow up the survey results by installing banners or banners for motorized vehicle users to be more careful. This is in anticipation of reducing the risk of collisions between road users and a herd of monkeys crossing.

"We continue to urge users of motorbikes or other vehicles to be careful because accidents are not only detrimental to themselves, but also other people," he said.

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