
JAKARTA - A woman with the initials AN (55) suffered a broken shoulder after falling from the 21st floor of the Gading Nias Tower Apartment, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. Kelapa Gading Police Chief Kompol Vokky said the incident occurred on Thursday, June 1, at 15.00 WIB.

"The victim is safe, but has a broken left shoulder," said Vokky when confirmed, Friday, June 3.

Vokky explained, the victim fell from the 21st floor while washing clothes on the balcony of the apartment. Then, continued Vokky, he slipped and fell down.

"Based on the victim's information, he slipped. It fell from the 21st floor, after washing it," he explained.

After the incident, the victim was immediately taken to Gading Pluit Hospital, North Jakarta. For further medical treatment.

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