
JAKARTA - Famous artist Angel Lelga visited the South Jakarta Metro Police. Rhoma Irama's ex-wife came to be investigated as a reporter regarding the alleged crypto fraud case.

Angel Lelga went to the South Jakarta Metro Police with his attorney and manager. The artist came wearing white clothes and carrying a brown sling bag.

Angel Lelga's attorney, Deolipa Yumara said that his client's arrival was to follow up on the report he had made since May 24, 2022.

"Angel Lelga reported an alleged fraud allegedly carried out by his business partners initials K and C, related to a crypto project that uses the Angel Token name," said Deolipa Yumara at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, June 2.

Meanwhile, Angel Lelga explained about the case he reported, starting when he was contracted as a brand ambassador but he admitted that he had never received financial reports from them.

"From the start as a brand ambassador, I asked for all information or reports, but never got a response. "From the start I have never been paid," said Angel.

Angel, admitted that at that time there was a request for money transfer from the Angel Token with a fairly large amount of up to hundreds of millions. However, the fate of the money is now unknown.

"I don't know where the money is now," he said.

Feeling tricked, Angel Lelga then made a report at the South Jakarta Metro Police. In this case, Angel Lelga is worried that he is not the only one who has been tricked, but other people have invested.

"So I'm afraid this will further harm the community," he said.

On that occasion, Angel was asked 16 questions by investigators for his report. He hopes that the police can solve the alleged crime case.

"I ask the police to open this up as openly as possible, what's really going on," he said

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