
JAKARTA - Commission V of the DPR highlighted the request of private ferry operators regarding an increase in service tariffs. The government is asked to continue to prioritize the needs of the community.

"We hope that the Government, in this case the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will review the proposed increase in ferry service rates objectively," said Chairman of Commission V of the DPR RI, Lasarus, Thursday, June 2.

Lasarus understands the complaints of ferry transportation companies stating that the cost of commodity costs for supporting ship components is getting higher. Even so, he also asked the Government to consider the ability or purchasing power of consumers who use crossing services considering the economy of the people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic has not really improved.

"The government must be careful in making policies related to public services amidst the threats of various crises," he said.

According to Lasarus, an in-depth study of the increase in ferry service tariffs needs to be done. That way, both operators and service users will not feel one-sided.

“How can the policy accommodate all parties. Service users do not feel heavy, but operators can still provide the best service. Policies must be fair and the government must be able to facilitate that,” said Lasarus.

The National Association of River, Lake, and Ferry Transport Entrepreneurs (Gapasdap) has asked for a 37% increase in ferry service tariffs. Lasarus assesses that if there is an increase in service rates, it should not be too high so that service users will not feel too heavy.

"And if the government later gives permission regarding the increase in transportation fares, the operator must ensure that there is an increase in services to users of crossing transportation services," said the legislator from the West Kalimantan II Dapil.

Not without reason Lasarus gave a warning regarding this. This is because he thinks that the quality of crossing services still needs to be evaluated.

"We all know that there are still many problems in ferry services in Indonesia, especially in the security sector that must really be improved," said Lasarus.

Not only about security, the Commission in the DPR in charge of transportation affairs also encourages the Government to continue to improve public services in the crossing sector in terms of the convenience of service users. Of course, said Lasarus, by continuing to monitor all crossing service companies.

"Indonesia is an archipelagic country. So community mobility must be supported by quality, safe, comfortable, and fast crossing services," he said.

Lasarus hopes that the Ministry of Transportation will continue to coordinate with Commission V regarding this issue. Not only regarding the planned increase in transportation fares, but also from all aspects of the service.

"So we find a solution so that the welfare of the workers in the crossing service sector is guaranteed but the comfort and safety of the community is also maintained," concluded Lasarus.

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