
JAKARTA - Constitutional Law expert Jimly Asshiddiqie reminded that the ongoing political domination should not subdue research and people's way of thinking through various political doctrines. ," said Jimly Asshiddiqie when delivering his presentation in the civilization-Paramadina discussion series titled Nurcholish Madjid and Indonesia which was broadcast on the Zoom Meeting platform, monitored from Jakarta, Thursday, June 2. Thus, according to Jimly, it is important for the Indonesian people, especially the next generation, to continue the spirit of Nurcholish Madjid or Cak Nur who is a national figure with his thoughts on the relationship between the state and religion. Presenting alternative ideas, he said, which makes a nation rich in solutions to find the best way for national development and progress of Indonesian civilization. "To The progress of Indonesian civilization cannot but be supported by science and technology. It can't. It cannot also not be supported by the respected and respectable rule of law and the rule of ethics," he said.

One manifestation of efforts to perpetuate Cak Nur's spirit, according to him, is through active participation in various discussion forums to share points of view and ways of thinking. In this regard, Jimly said that the development of thought requires a free space and an environment that is tolerant of various types of people. a person's way of thinking. In fact, for a way of thinking that may be outside the norm for many people. "So, tolerance is not only a matter of prayer clothes, but also tolerance for space for thinking. To discuss and share points of view," said Jimly. continue to develop critical and alternative thinking to continue Cak Nur's spirit.

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