
JAKARTA - A gang of thieves managed to get away with a motorbike in Asem Village, Cijantung, Pasar Rebo District, East Jakarta, Thursday, June 2. According to the victim, motorcycle thefts often occur in his area because many residents park outside, because their houses are narrow.

The perpetrator's reckless actions were caught on CCTV cameras at the scene. The perpetrators acted around the early hours of the morning when the residents were sleeping.

"I came home without a motorbike. The CCTV footage occurred at 3:22 am. At home, there was a wife and children, they were already sleeping during their break," said the victim, Sugiarto, Thursday, June 2.

In the action, the perpetrator managed to bring his target motorbike in less than 3 minutes. It is strongly suspected that the perpetrator is a motorcycle thief specialist.

"This is a dead end alley, (the perpetrator) is quite reckless," said the victim.

From the CCTV footage, it was seen that the two perpetrators first observed the security situation around the location. After the situation looked safe, the perpetrator immediately took the victim's automatic motorbike using a Letter T key. Then the perpetrator pushed the motorbike out of the dead end alley.

"It is true that the motorbike was taken by several people. What you can see (CCTV) are 2 people, possibly more than that. At the end of the alley, there may be several who are monitoring the situation," he said.

Residents admit that the dense and narrow housing in the vicinity is one of the factors why many motorbikes are parked outside their homes. No wonder the perpetrators target a motorbike that is placed outside the house at night.

"It happened several times, almost a year ago, the motorbike was lost in front of me. Because many residents left their motorbikes outside (the house). Because the condition of the place to live was relatively small, so many were not put in the house," he said.

After the incident, the victim has reported to the police station along with CCTV footage as evidence.

"We reported it to the police and it was accepted. After the incident, two officers came to the scene," he said.

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