
JAKARTA - Political observer Rocky Gerung believes that there is a specific purpose behind the umrah worship of DPR Speaker Puan Maharani and Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Syafruddin.

Syafruddin who accompanied Puan Umrah was known to be a close person to the 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla (JK). Before the two of them went on Umrah, it was recorded that JK had met Puan three times.

Seeing this, Rocky considered that there was a possibility that JK could act as a 'matchmaker' by juxtaposing Puan with Anies Baswedan, whom he championed.

"Pak JK's political sense should not be taken lightly, he is still a King Maker. His experience has made him know what a narrow alley can be," said Rocky on his YouTube account, Rocky Gerung Official, Tuesday, June 2.

Rocky assesses that JK has experience that is able to open up possibilities. In political strategy, he said, JK is considered to be able to see narrow opportunities in front of his eyes.

According to Rocky, if this happens, the political dynamics will change rapidly. The parties will strengthen their strategy as figures are introduced as candidates for the 2024 Presidential Election.

"So we are still successful that we think that Mr. JK has intelligence as well as ingenuity. For earlier peeking at the gap, this can make a lot of blunders because it will be considered "how can there be a marriage of kadrun and tadpole," he said.

Rocky said this possibility could be realized near the end of the registration of the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election. According to Rocky, another surprise could also occur at the last minute of registration given the limited number of candidates who could be nominated due to the 20 percent presidential threshold.

"So we have to put all the signals on the table. One reason is because the [presidential] threshold is set at 20 percent, everyone ends up looking for a mouse path, a zigzag path, waiting around the corner," he said.

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