
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo arrived at Umbu Mehang Kunda Airport, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, at around 09.20 WITA. minutes from Haji Hasan Aroeboesman Airport, Ende Regency. Arriving at the airport, the President and Mrs. Iriana were greeted by East Sumba Regent Khristofel Praing and his wife, Kodim Commander Lt. Col. Czi Aditya Triwirawan, and East Sumba Police Chief AKBP Fajar Widyadharma. Before heading to the waiting room, the President and Mrs. Iriana watched the welcome dance and were wrapped in a woven cloth typical of East Sumba. From the airport, the President and Mrs. Iriana and their entourage continued their journey to the processing plant for the sorghum crop. The President is also scheduled to plant and witness the sorghum harvest. After that, the President will leave to the Matawai Inpres Market to hand over a number of social assistance, an Among other things, Working Capital Assistance (BMK) and Cooking Oil Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for participants of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and traders. In the afternoon, President Jokowi and his entourage will return to Jakarta using an RJ-85 aircraft via Umbu Airport Mehang Kunda. Also accompanying the President and Mrs. Iriana in East Sumba Regency were Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, NTT Governor Viktor Laiskodat, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono, Presidential Military Secretary Marsda TNI M. Tonny Harjono, Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Sonny Aprianto , and the East Nusa Tenggara Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Setyo Budiyanto.

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