
TANGERANG - The Health Service (Dinkes) revealed that the case of monkeypox or monkeypox has not yet been detected in Tangerang City.

"Especially in Tangerang City, there have been no reports regarding the case. However, it cannot be taken lightly, the public still needs to be alert and educated regarding monkeypox," said Head of the Tengerang City Health Service (Dinkes) Dini Anggraeni in Tangerang on Tuesday, May 31.

He explained that this disease generally occurs in Central and West Africa, which are endemic countries. However, Antara in its report stated that the Ministry of Health had not yet found the case in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Dini said monkeypox is a viral disease that is transmitted from animals to humans that can heal itself. This disease can be mild with symptoms lasting 2-4 weeks. However, it can progress to severe and even death with a mortality rate of 3-6 percent.

“Transmission to humans occurs through direct contact with infected people or animals, or through objects contaminated by the virus. Clean and healthy living behavior or PHBS is the main key in preventing exposure to this disease," he said.

People also have to be diligent in washing their hands with soap and running water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

In addition, avoid direct contact with mice or primates. Limiting direct exposure to blood or meat of animals that are not or have not been cooked properly.

“Avoid contact with wild animals or consume wild animal meat. The Health Office also reminds travelers who have just returned from areas affected by monkeypox to immediately seek medical attention if they experience some symptoms. Such as sudden high fever, enlarged lymph nodes, to skin rashes in less than three weeks after returning home," he said.

It is known that until now the Health Office continues to disseminate information about monkeypox to the public and health service facilities in Tangerang City. One of them is through posyandu activities.

"There is no exception, coordinating with other agencies in charge of animal and wildlife health functions in Tangerang City." he said.

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