
JAKARTA - A mass of teenagers survived in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta. There are acts including asking the police for cigarettes.

The crowd asked for a cigarette. They were indeed on the barbed wire barricade. Meanwhile the police were in position to face the masses.

"My brothers came back home, I don't smoke," said Central Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Heru Novianto at the location, Tuesday, October 20.

Previously the riot occurred after the crowd from BEM SI left the demonstration area at the Horse Statue. Suddenly someone threw firecrackers, mineral bottles and stones at the police.

The Central Jakarta Police Chief repeatedly asked the masses, mostly teenagers, to disperse.

"We remind you that the action is over. I am the Head of the Central Jakarta Police, thank you for the peaceful action. Please come back, your parents are waiting, ”said Kombes Heru.

Demonstrations of the Job Creation Law were held in a number of areas including Jakarta. In his demands, the masses of students and workers demanded that President Jokowi issue a Perppu to repeal the Job Creation Law.

Keep up with today's demonstration in the thread we created on Twitter @voidotid.

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