
LOMBOK - The Environmental Service of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) stated that waste production in the local area continues to increase.

As a result, the Block A Final Disposal Site (TPA) in Pengngat Village, Pujut District is full of piles of garbage.

"One block of our landfill is currently full of garbage," said Head of the Central Lombok Environmental Agency Supardiono at his office in Praya, Antara, Tuesday, May 31.

With the increase in population in Central Lombok, the production of waste in Central Lombok also increases to 50 tons per day. The most dominant waste is household and plastic bags.

"The average waste production in Central Lombok is around 50 tons per day," he said.

The landfill area for the first full block is about 98 acres and for block B it is currently not full with an area of 1.4 hectares that can be used for the next eight years.

So with this condition, his party continues to educate the public to carry out waste selection before throwing it into the TPA.

"The rest of the waste that can't be used is thrown into the TPA," he said.

The cause of the high waste production cannot be separated from public awareness that is still lacking, because they do not choose waste when it is disposed of in Temporary Disposal Sites (TPS). He also appealed to the community to take care of each other and not to litter which could damage the environment.

"Let's work together to reduce waste production by making elections," he said.

Meanwhile, the facilities and infrastructure for handling waste in Central Lombok are adequate for now, but the current handling of waste is specifically in Kota Praya and in several locations that have been determined.

"In the future we will hold discussions with related parties for long-term waste management," he said.

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