
SAMPIT - Flood victims in the North Mentaya Hilir District, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, expect clean water and basic food assistance. Residents' settlements were flooded and forced a number of residents to evacuate. "If there is clean water assistance. So far we have relied on rain water. The river water is not good," said Nurbayah, a flood victim in Central Bagendang Village, North Mentaya Hilir District, Tuesday 31 Mei.Diana, another resident of Central Bagendang Village, is also having trouble getting clean water for drinking and daily needs due to the flood. "Many have been itching since the flood (because of the difficulty in getting clean water for bathing)," he said, quoted by Antara. Central Bagendang Village conveyed their complaints regarding the impact of the flood to Deputy Chair I of the East Kotawaringin DPRD, Rudianur, who came to visit visit them.” As they said earlier, residents need health checks and clean water supplies. I hope the local government will immediately help flood victims here," said Rudianur, who previously visited flood victims in Natal Baru and Sumber Makmur villages.

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