
REJANG LEBONG - The Rejang Lebong Resort Police, Bengkulu, freed a student, suspected of stealing a cell phone belonging to his biological mother, through the application of restorative justice.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Rejang Lebong Police, AKP Sampson Sosa Hutapea, said that the suspect who received the restorative justice was AS (19), a resident of Air Rambai Village, Curup District, Rejang Lebong Regency, a high school student.

"Initially, the perpetrator's parents lost their cellphone and did not know who the culprit was. An investigation was carried out by officers and it was found that the person who took the cellphone was his own son," he said at the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters, Antara, Monday, May 30.

He explained that the case of the theft of the blue Oppo A54 mobile phone belonging to the victim with the initials A, the biological mother of the perpetrator, occurred on March 16, 2022. The incident began when the victim was cooking in the kitchen and the cellphone was placed on a cupboard in the room, but not long ago the cellphone was lost. The victim then reported the incident to the local police.

After investigation, he said, it was discovered that the perpetrator was the victim's own child. Last Wednesday at around 18.30 WIB, the perpetrator was arrested while in the Head of Siring Village, Central Curup District.

In this case, he added, the police applied Police Regulation (Perpol) No. 8/2021, concerning Restorative Justice. The case meets the requirements for the investigation to be terminated with the consideration that the victim has withdrawn her report.

Then the perpetrator has returned the rights of the victim, the victim and the perpetrator have agreed to make peace, and investigators in this case see the principles of humanity and justice so that it can be resolved out of court.

The moment of emotion also occurred when the US was about to return home. He hugged his mother tightly and prostrated. From his mouth, the US promised not to repeat his actions.

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